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Getting All Symptoms

/symptoms GET

This endpoint allows to retrieve a list of all symptoms available through the API.


This endpoint has no parameters.


The response should contain a list of symptom nodes. For detailed information on response format for a single node see node definition.

A representative example of response is presented below. The number of symptoms should be expected in tens of hundreds and actual values depend on the API release.

"id": "N07157",
"title": "Unilateral Vision Loss",
"outcomes": [
"outcome": "unknown",
"label": "Don't know"
"outcome": "present",
"label": "present"
"outcome": "absent",
"label": "absent"
"type": "DISCRETE",
"unitOfContinuousType": null
"id": "C00401",
"title": "Hypercalcemia",
"outcomes": [
"outcome": "unknown",
"label": "Don't know"
"outcome": "present",
"label": "present"
"outcome": "absent",
"label": "absent"
"type": "DISCRETE",
"unitOfContinuousType": null
... continued ...